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This Plot of Ground Poetry from Professor Kather's Honors Seminar


Students in the Honors Seminar wrote poems in response to an essay by San Francisco poet Andre Le Mont Wilson titled Trajectory. Specifically, they were inspired by a poem he wrote that was based on William Carlos Williams’ poem, “Dedication for a Plot of Ground.”

This plot of ground…

This plot of ground

where she was born

was green, flourishing

it was damp, dewy

This plot of ground

marks the spot

of an emerging brilliance

a fiery presence

that will never

again be contained

This plot of ground

is single handedly responsible

for one of the greatest

creations on Earth

and for that

we thank her

(Maya Powers)

This plot of ground

holds a cabin

that I so graciously call my safe place

over looking the lake

that I laugh in with my siblings

tube with my friends

and swim in by myself at night

that has a wooden swing in front of it

made for two, for my mother and I

who I am able to laugh with

cry with, and just be with

who I also call

my safe place

(Payton Nicksic)


This plot of ground

where young children learn

to love a game

that is bigger than themselves.

A place

where dreams are made

and tears will fall.

A ground so cold

and marks so crisp.

Who is next to

grab a stick?

(Sabrina Shvartsman)


This plot of ground...

long has it stood.

Through fire and ice

it shows us what could.

(Jeremiah Steinhilber)


“Will it ever happen again?”

It’s a graveyard of my memories, this simple plot of ground.

It’s the things that I never thought would become memories

Is it just that plot of ground that my heart aches for?

Or is it really what it beholds?

Will I ever drive to school with you and the Quran playing on the radio again?

Or will I ever race back to the house when I hear the call for Azan again?

Will I ever sit on the sofa waiting for you to make me chaye again?

Or will I ever stay up till 4am talking to you about life again?

Will I ever break my fast with you in Ramzan again?

Or will I ever hug you after Eid prayer again?

Is it just that plot of ground that I long for,

Or is it just for that feeling of home again?

Context - it’s about missing Pakistan, but is it really the country that I miss or is it my whole life there that I miss? Countering that question in the poem but not answering it in the poem, trying to leave it open at the end.



Inside four walls

Lies a story

We grew up there

Laughing, crying, telling stories

Countless girls nights,

Late nights and long nights

Once you were inside,

You fit like a puzzle

But the nights turned to mornings

And the teenagers turned into young adults

Until one day,

They returned from their new schools

And this plot of ground was gone

(Sienna Fell)


This plot of ground

In this concrete jungle

in the valley

south of the lakes,

where many gather

shape their path

and to forge their future.

(Tyler Spina)


This plot of ground

was made with unsteadiest of hands,

caving in and collapsing at every convenience.

This plot of ground has seen nothing else,

only what it's grown with,

refusing to adapt to new means.

This plot of ground

was made with uncertainty,

with no solid plan for the future,

has left a plot yearning for more.

This plot of ground

has made its own feathered walls,

walls stemming from unreliability,

has now built its own security.

(Amber Fox)

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